Tuesday, March 29, 2011

day 105: metalmowth


So I once posted that I would pimp out my 30th/ 60th/ 90th day post-op blog posts but alas, I let them slip by without any recognition whatsoever and I'm ASHAMED okay? ASHAMED.

What kind of jawgger doesn't commemorate important milestones? Well, this one, apparently. Anyway, to make up for the lack of shiny obnoxious text, here are some rainbow dots to celebrate 105 days post surgery.

I actually just visited my orthodontist aka Speedy Gonzalez yesterday and true to his style, I was in and out of the dentist's chair within 4 minutes. He put me on "cherry" sized rubberbands which unfortunately span across my entire mouth - Think top left canine to bottom right canine so... Yes. It's not party time in my mouth right now. He says that I have an errant tooth (DAMN YOU, TOOTH) and my mid-line isn't quite perfect so there are quite a few adjustments to be done. Very well then *_*

3-4 more months of being braceface! This year is shaping up to be 754 kinds of unpredictable so I'm definitely looking forward to something that should more or less be certain.

On another note, I'll definitely get around to posting before-during-after photos. I have an arsenal of multi-angle/ very unflattering monthly pre-surgery photos, and daily weekly monthly frequent photos post-surgery. I think they'll be a very decent guide for people who are thinking about going ahead with this to refer to! I will try to have them up by the end of the month.

metalmouth metalmowth.


  1. Hello hello!

    I've been following your blog since you started..been wondering hows your recovery process? Btw did you post photos of your before and after? :)

  2. The nicest thing you did was sharing the experience of having the feeling in a surgery ;)

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