I'm still drinking liquids through the feeding syringes even though my doctors gave the okay for spoonfeeding simply because it's a heck of a lot faster for me to eat using the syringes. I tried using a spoon but I just dribbled most of it down my shirt and/or back into the bowl. Charming, I know.
I pound my daily antibiotics into a paste liquid type thing and then drink it through the feeding syringe. Ew even typing it makes my gag reflex twitch. So today my gag reflex decided to be angry and mean and active during meds feeding time which was.. Unpleasant. To say the least. 15 more days of antibiotics! I can do this!! I'm totally taking a shockingly low amount of meds as it is so I should really stop complaining. Man it tastes so bad though

Sleeping is still.. A work in progress. I finally realized that I don't quite have to sleep at a 90d angle which helps but my neck, back, and shoulders still aren't having any of this sleep at an angle nonsense. I honestly think it's because my head has ballooned to epic proportions and my body can't deal with how freaking heavy it is. I slept 2 3-hour stretches last night, which is a mini triumph in my book! I did wake up coughing a bunch of times though.. All that blood in my head kept coming up to make a scene.. Dangit.
Swelling/ Bruising wise.. Let's just say I am still the spitting image of Professor Klump. And the bruising around the right side of my face, my neck and my chest has actually gotten worse! My nanny says it's dispersing so that means I'm getting better. I'm hoping that's how it is too.. Because I legit look like I got beat up real baaaaaad. I've read that a lot of jawsurg patients have their swelling peak around day 3-4 and afterward it starts to go down but I am still terribly terribly swollen and I'm showing no signs of slowing down. Oh face, swollen doesn't look good on you.
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