Friday, December 17, 2010


Saw this video on jaw surgery blog.

Thank G it's a digital rendering, so none of that gruesome bloody HELLO WE'RE CUTTING UP A STORM INSIDE YOUR MOUTH kind of stuff. But wow.. I cannot believe that I did exactly that! Me! Scaredy cat allergic-to-all-pain-me!!

I'm not going to beat myself up over the pain or the swelling or all that jazz at least not right now.. Because damn. Look at those plates. And all that moving and cutting and shiz. I should be in pain.

(And yes, I'm up at 6AM with a lingering ache in my neck, back and shoulders. I've really got to find a better position to sleep tonight.)


  1. Woah you should change scaredy cat to braveheart. Hang in there, It will only get better !!

  2. thank you thank you thank you! <3
