Thursday, December 2, 2010

my sitch

So this is my histoothry.

Pre-everything, I had an under-bite.

Well not really an underbite per se, but instead of my upper set of teeth being more forward than my lower set like a perfect smile should be, they met each other like annoyingly close buddies. Bah. My jaw was also slightly deviated to the right. Aw fine come to the party too why don't you, jaw deviation! So I've always been that one person in the group photo that smiled without their teeth showing like 'yo i'm trying to be coy' but it was more like 'naw i just don't like my teeth'. I don't think I've smiled a wide toothy smile since I was a wee lil 7 year old.

My smile/ face shape/ profile has always been something that really really bothered me and I guess when I was younger I was just so afraid of getting braces (oh why, young me :|) that I just pretended I didn't need it.

In 2006, when I was 19, I decided to take the first step to correct it by visiting an orthodontist in the US where I was studying at the time. That was the first time I'd ever heard about jaw surgery and even worse, that I'd have to get it in order to achieve a perfect smile. What? You mean just plain ol' metal traintracks in my mouth wouldn't be enough?! Oh and it got better - The total cost for everything was staggering. To be exact, in the ballpark of US$20,000.

Cue teenage tears like white water rapids.

It just wasn't feasible and I shelved the idea till I finished up college and packed up and came home to Singapore in 2009. I mustered up the courage to visit the orthodontist again in late 2009 and finally made the decision to move forward with this and everything was set in motion by early 2010. Yahoo.

Now we're at the tail end of 2010, and I'm preparing to go for this potentially life-altering surgery. I'm extremely nervous because I'm a wimp through and through but ah well I'm in it! TO win it! LET'S DO THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


*cue awkward close up shots of my mouth*

pre braces

2 december 2010, 11 days before surgery


  1. hi Eva! a very good and useful blog you have here. im also a scaredy cat and am reading up to see if I eventually want to do jaw surgery, which my dentist advised me to do a few years back to correct my teeth/jaw/bite. just wanted to let you know the pics on this post are not working. thanks for the info on your blog!

  2. hi there and thank you for letting me know about the error. i'll fix it asap. if you have any questions or concerns about the surgery, feel free to ask me!

  3. Hello! Do you mind sharing which dental surgeon did you approach and how much was the cost? My jaw has always bothered me since young and when I smile, my lips pull back and my teeth juts out! My email is
