Thursday, December 2, 2010


Inaugural post on MMM! Hello!! Welcome!!! *pops unnecessary virtual confetti*

Still very much pre-surgery. To be exact, I've got another 11 days to go! In exactly 11 days, I will be sitting (or standing I can't foresee that much you guys) in a waiting room in Mount Alvernia Hospital, scared sh*tless. For now though, I'm sitting at my desk, focusing my thoughts on the flavor of boba tea I should order for lunch. You know, important stuff.

A couple of things you should know about me:
1) I'm a scaredy cat
2) I'm a scaredy cat that in her everyday life avoids pain/ discomfort at all costs

So jaw surgery. Yes. I'm just thrilled about having to go through it.

I've decided to start a blog documenting my journey and recovery through scary jaw surgery. Mainly because while doing research on whether or not I should go ahead with this shebang and what exactly it would entail, similar blogs played a huge role in giving me the push I needed. Most of the blogs I came across though, were mostly based in the US, a handful in Europe and none in Singapore. So I hope to fill a gap in the market, if you will.

Besides, what better outlet than a blog for me to vent and rant and complain and whine and whinge (you get where I'm going with this) about my post-surgery discomfort? Amirite?

I intend to document as much as I can so... All aboard the metalmouth journey to perfect teeth! And cheesy analogies! Ahoy!!

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