final post!
I know, I know. It's August. I promised these in March. I'm going to go with the whole "better late than never" adage and I hope it'll suffice! But really though, I decided against putting all of these up a few months ago because I just really didn't know how I felt about putting all these photos of myself out there. I was kind of embarrassed, really, and I guess I just chickened out.
Let me preface by saying that it's taken me a lot of thought and a large degree of 'bravery' to upload these on the world wide web.
For as long as I can remember, I've avoided taking photos from my side like the plague. It's also been years since I've taken a photo with my teeth showing and here I am putting it all out there like I'm in a carnival peepshow so please excuse my cold, shivering feet.
Since I've taken an embarrassing amount of photos of myself both pre and post surgery as a documentation of my journey, I figured I might as well share some of them - especially if they can serve as some sort of reference point to people who are thinking about surgery. Before I decided to take the plunge and embark on the thrilling journey of orthognathic surgery, I did my fair share of research and I found so many blogs and forums that really helped give me the shove that I so badly needed. Now I just hope to be of some help to those who realize that they, too, need surgery to achieve the perfect bite and are feeling apprehensive or afraid.
History (here).
Cliffnotes: I am a scaredy cat. I started orthodontic treatment on January 14 2010. Got double jaw surgery with genioplasty done on December 13 2010. I am now about 8 months post surgery.
Enough with the rambling. Here goes nothin'!
Exhibit A:
My side profile dating from pre-braces to almost right before surgery. With jaw surgery to correct under-bites, more often than not the orthodontist will have to exaggerate your under-bite in order for the surgeon to properly correct it during surgery. I was actually worried sick about this part of the whole journey because ugh it's my under-bite I hate most and it's going to get even worse? No bueno! :'|
Exhibit B:
Wow teeth. But an even clearer representation of how much my bite had to be and was shifted pre-surgery.
Exhibit C:
And we're post-surgery! Be warned. Photos dating from December 2010 - January 2011 are pretty much hilarious because I was SO. FREAKIN. MASSIVE. I blogged a fair bit during my super swollen days so if you'd like you can backdate a bit and read those entries.
The first few weeks were absolutely no fun. For one, I COULDN'T EAT AND THAT IN ITSELF IS TORTURE I TELL YOU, TORTURE!!!! I was fully prepared for it and on hindsight it wasn't that awful (yes I'm actually saying my liquid diet was halfway bearable) but it was still crappy not being able to eat. During Christmastime. And coming down with infections during the New Year period was terrible. Ugh okay moving along.
You'll see that even 20+ days post operation I was still swollen, but it was nothing compared to the swelling I saw in the first 2 weeks. Even now, 8 months+ post op, I still have some residual swelling in my cheeks and chin that might not ever go away and I'm okay with that. I'm okay with that.
Exhibit E:
Life in color. Here are some more photos of my profile and let's just compare this to Exhibit A for a second. Holy guacamole.
Exhibit F:
I'm no Rosie the Riveter but the night before surgery I was feeling quite spirited and excited and thus this pose came about. 2 months later, I decided to try the same pose on for size as a comparison and this is what came of it.
DEC 12 2010 vs FEB 2 2011
go! fight! win!
All of my rambling has been about the physical aspect of things because otherwise my recovery has thankfully, been very smooth. I've regained 100% of the feeling in my face and I don't feel any numbness. If I had to nitpick, it would be that I can't totally feel my gums, but frankly it doesn't affect me in any way.
I don't and have not for even one second regretted going through the entire process. If you're feeling nervous, anxious or even helpless about having to undergo orthognathic surgery - trust me when I say I completely understand. I've received a few emails lately asking about jaw surgery and as much as I maintain that it seems a lot scarier than it actually is, it is a major operation after all. It's certainly not something to be done on a whim because your faces changes a fair bit with the surgery, and I've read that some people actually feel less satisfied with/ cannot get used to their post-surgery mug, rare as it may be.
Remember that after all, it is most importantly a health related surgery and although it is best to correct any jaw related issues you might have as soon as possible, it should boil down to a compromise between what you want and what you need. (What you need obviously being far more pressing.) I've heard so many people tell me 'Oh but it's optional! You're just doing it because you're vain! Don't do it! It' dangerous!!' While I can understand their fears, it is most important to talk to your orthodontist. Consult oral surgeons. Get second or third opinions if you must because jaw issues only exacerbate with time so while you may not be affected now, it may cause a bigger problem in the future.
I'm going to end my zillion word thesis with this: it's a pretty major operation. No two ways about it. But it's not as daunting as it seems. And from my personal experience, it has absolutely been worth all the time and money and effort. And pig headedness and hunger and bruising.
For as long as I can remember, I've avoided taking photos from my side like the plague. It's also been years since I've taken a photo with my teeth showing and here I am putting it all out there like I'm in a carnival peepshow so please excuse my cold, shivering feet.
Since I've taken an embarrassing amount of photos of myself both pre and post surgery as a documentation of my journey, I figured I might as well share some of them - especially if they can serve as some sort of reference point to people who are thinking about surgery. Before I decided to take the plunge and embark on the thrilling journey of orthognathic surgery, I did my fair share of research and I found so many blogs and forums that really helped give me the shove that I so badly needed. Now I just hope to be of some help to those who realize that they, too, need surgery to achieve the perfect bite and are feeling apprehensive or afraid.
History (here).
Cliffnotes: I am a scaredy cat. I started orthodontic treatment on January 14 2010. Got double jaw surgery with genioplasty done on December 13 2010. I am now about 8 months post surgery.
Enough with the rambling. Here goes nothin'!
Exhibit A:
My side profile dating from pre-braces to almost right before surgery. With jaw surgery to correct under-bites, more often than not the orthodontist will have to exaggerate your under-bite in order for the surgeon to properly correct it during surgery. I was actually worried sick about this part of the whole journey because ugh it's my under-bite I hate most and it's going to get even worse? No bueno! :'|

Exhibit B:
Wow teeth. But an even clearer representation of how much my bite had to be and was shifted pre-surgery.

Exhibit C:

And we're post-surgery! Be warned. Photos dating from December 2010 - January 2011 are pretty much hilarious because I was SO. FREAKIN. MASSIVE. I blogged a fair bit during my super swollen days so if you'd like you can backdate a bit and read those entries.
The first few weeks were absolutely no fun. For one, I COULDN'T EAT AND THAT IN ITSELF IS TORTURE I TELL YOU, TORTURE!!!! I was fully prepared for it and on hindsight it wasn't that awful (yes I'm actually saying my liquid diet was halfway bearable) but it was still crappy not being able to eat. During Christmastime. And coming down with infections during the New Year period was terrible. Ugh okay moving along.
You'll see that even 20+ days post operation I was still swollen, but it was nothing compared to the swelling I saw in the first 2 weeks. Even now, 8 months+ post op, I still have some residual swelling in my cheeks and chin that might not ever go away and I'm okay with that. I'm okay with that.

Exhibit E:
Life in color. Here are some more photos of my profile and let's just compare this to Exhibit A for a second. Holy guacamole.

Exhibit F:
I'm no Rosie the Riveter but the night before surgery I was feeling quite spirited and excited and thus this pose came about. 2 months later, I decided to try the same pose on for size as a comparison and this is what came of it.

DEC 12 2010 vs FEB 2 2011
go! fight! win!
All of my rambling has been about the physical aspect of things because otherwise my recovery has thankfully, been very smooth. I've regained 100% of the feeling in my face and I don't feel any numbness. If I had to nitpick, it would be that I can't totally feel my gums, but frankly it doesn't affect me in any way.
I don't and have not for even one second regretted going through the entire process. If you're feeling nervous, anxious or even helpless about having to undergo orthognathic surgery - trust me when I say I completely understand. I've received a few emails lately asking about jaw surgery and as much as I maintain that it seems a lot scarier than it actually is, it is a major operation after all. It's certainly not something to be done on a whim because your faces changes a fair bit with the surgery, and I've read that some people actually feel less satisfied with/ cannot get used to their post-surgery mug, rare as it may be.
Remember that after all, it is most importantly a health related surgery and although it is best to correct any jaw related issues you might have as soon as possible, it should boil down to a compromise between what you want and what you need. (What you need obviously being far more pressing.) I've heard so many people tell me 'Oh but it's optional! You're just doing it because you're vain! Don't do it! It' dangerous!!' While I can understand their fears, it is most important to talk to your orthodontist. Consult oral surgeons. Get second or third opinions if you must because jaw issues only exacerbate with time so while you may not be affected now, it may cause a bigger problem in the future.
I'm going to end my zillion word thesis with this: it's a pretty major operation. No two ways about it. But it's not as daunting as it seems. And from my personal experience, it has absolutely been worth all the time and money and effort. And pig headedness and hunger and bruising.
It is now August 2011, and I've completed my entire orthodontic process. I was freed from the metal in my mouth about 2+ weeks ago and I've gotta say - I kind of miss it! I keep my retainers in as much as I can get away with because it makes me feel safe but I'm enjoying my new teeth. That being said, I don't really know how to smile without looking awkward/ reluctant/ downright riduclous just yet... But I'm sure I'll figure it out!
Here's a little video I quickly put together of me right before & after I got my braces off.
This will be my last post here on mmm, as this chapter of my life is officially closed. You can find me blogging about regular life (HERE). Feel free to ask me questions if you have any. Good luck and cheers to perfect teeth! 

Hey just wanna ask, did you experience lip or chin twitching? Coz I'm almost 6 months post op and these few months my lip was twitching a lot and at a very big magnitude so I'm kinda worried since it can't be my nerves as I no longer feel numbness. Thanks!
ReplyDeleteHi there :) I must say I haven't really experienced any twitching yet so I'm not going to be of much help. This may be very captain obvious of me, but maybe you should give your surgeon a call to see what he thinks about it? Especially if it's worrying you!
ReplyDeletewho was your surgeon? You look really good now!
ReplyDeleteHi anon, thank you! My surgeon was Dr Winston Tan from Oral Maxillofacial Practice @ Camden Medical. He's nothing short of awesome.
ReplyDeleteYou're welcome! wow camden.. must've been expensive? Would u mind telling me how many mm your jaws were moved?
ReplyDeleteHi, it was more expensive than say doing it an a public hospital from the get go but it was really well worth it! And I would love to but actually I don't really know... Sorry!
ReplyDeleteYou're really brave in showing your photos online. hope more people can follow in your footsteps and kinda start a community where we share our experiences.
ReplyDeleteHi anon, thank you! I really debated against putting the photos up but I thought that it would really help people who are thinking about/ going through the same procedure to see a pictorial journey. Yes, finding a support community is key!
ReplyDeleteHey i've deep overbite and i'm contemplating to do jaw surgery. like you, it's my overbite that makes me uber self-conscious so the thought that braces is going to EXAGGERATE it makes me scared like shit. can i ask how you dealt with it? also, how much did your braces + jaw surgery cost? would appreciate it if you could share the cost breakdown <3 and also share which surgeon/orthodontist you went too.
ReplyDeletethanks for this blog, seeing how your underbite is corrected and how much more prettier you are post-op makes me have just an insy-winsy bit of confidence.
Hi! I have the exact same qns as 'Storage' regarding the conscious about braces and cost breakdown!! Looking forward to your reply!
ReplyDeleteHello there fellow Singaporean girl who has had jaw surgery!:D
ReplyDeleteI found your blog randomly after I googled 'post jaw surgery, singapore'. Haha. I had a deep overbite, just finished my operation on the 13th of july and still looking kind of chubby but that's alright, will live with it!
Anyway just wanted to give you a high five and to say you look really good now! It's really nice to read your blog and to know that we've gone through the same thing. I've just started chewing and woohooo I guess we're equally relentless when it comes to eating. You're not the only one. :)
Hi I'm storage! Just want to say THANK YOU for the encouraging and helpful email you sent me a while back. I managed to convince my parents and i'm on my second month of braces now! Am already loving the changes that's happening to my teeth. I'm a sadist...i actually loooove the pain y(^^)y
ReplyDeleteAnyhow! Just want to ask long you rested at home post-op? I'm not quite sure how much downtime is reasonable before i can return to school?
hi guys,
ReplyDeletesorry i haven't been responding as often as i'd like! i just didn't notice that there were comments here.
storage, i'm so glad to hear of your progress :) you're one step closer to a perfect bite! haha yes i know what you mean, the pain can be quite enjoyable sometimes but you're definitely having a better time than most on braces. i rested at home for 4 weeks post-op!
anon (august 11), hi there! i'm always so happy to talk to fellow jawsurg patients haha. i love your positivity and optimism, i honestly think those are the 2 key things that help make recovery a lot smoother! and here's a big high 5 for being a relentless eater. being without food is no fun :D congrats on your perfect bite!
ReplyDeleteThank you for your refreshing and descriptive posts. It really calmed a lot of my fears about the surgery.
One question, my surgeon told me that my nose might be slightly wider and turned up due to the upper jaw surgery. Did you see any changes to your nose?
Halo, just dropping a note to say that your very optimistic posts really made me feel better. I'm one month away from my jaw surgery and hopefully mine will go as well as yours! I mean, your DAY 2/3 photo looks practically normal already. :D Thanks!
ReplyDeleteYou had such a wonderful result!
ReplyDeleteHow much was the total cost for your surgery? Please share because I will need to do some financial planning before undergoing the surgery.
Please help!!!!
Thank you so very much!!!!
@camilla: thank you, you're too kind!
ReplyDelete@anon: surgery alone (excluding braces) was about $12k! medisave does cover a part of some surgeries though so please check with your doctors to see. bear in mind that the price also varies depending on your doctor/ hospital ok?
Hiya! I will be donig my surgery with Dr Tan as well and i was wondering if you could let me know on how this impacts your nose? Do u find any flaring etc?