Thursday, December 16, 2010

apples are not oranges

Excuse the word vomit but in this time that I'm locked up at home, this seems to be the best outlet to vent about all things jaw surgery related.

Touching my face is such a strange thing now. I'm still swollen like you will not believe, and it feels like there are actually cushions between my face and my skin. Between my epidermis and my.. somethingelse dermis. Either way, it feels really, really, really spongy. I imagine if you were to take my face and wipe your kitchen counter now, I would totally do a spiffy job. As painful as that sounds.

The swelling is the worst in the area around my nose. Mainly my cheeks and HOLY MOLY ABOVE MY LIP. That area has swollen to massive proportions. I honestly think there is a bolster in hiding up there. My ears also feel kind of blocked, almost? And my chin/ jaw area is pretty angry and swollen too. And Santa we don't need Rudolph anymore 'kay, we have me.

Okay so what I'm saying is that my whole face is pretty dang swollen. Except for my forehead cos' my forehead's doing pretty good. Sensation wise, I can feel those areas? It just feels.. Slightly desensitized. Like I would most certainly know if there was water dribbling down my face, but the feeling isn't as acute as it used to be. Hmm.

I'm still feeling a large amount of soreness and tightness but that is to be expected seeing that I'm only 3 days post op. I should stop being impatient and expecting deflation and pain reduction and improvement in numbness all at once.


Is it weird that I don't actually even really know the exact procedures I had done? I should probably ask when I see my surgeons tomorrow....

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